Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Anticipate good things (or more God stories)

the day was cloudy but it didn't dampen my spirits any
I want to write today about the joy there is in anticipating good things ahead in a day.   I believe it is more than just 'hoping for the best' or having a positive attitude.  It is more than being excited about something. So what is at the core of living expectantly?  I believe it lays in a surrendered heart.

A surrendered heart is open for whatever He brings along.  A surrendered heart is fluid -- not simply set on 'our' agenda and plans.The sense of fluidity and openness to what HE wants makes for the most exciting days.
Bob and Moises in Punta Gorda

I remember the first time the thought occurred to me to ask Him, "What do You want me to do today?"   Life began to change for me because I started to become a secret servant..haha.. in the best possible way.   I would be going to the store and feel prompted to go to the post office first, not knowing why but I would just go believing He had some reason for me to go there first.
I am blessed
And sure enough there would be someone in line who needed to be encouraged.   Or I would be prompted to phone someone, and they would say "Oh, I was just praying for someone to help me!"   It is an exciting life!   Bob and I learned to  live sensitive to His voice for many years in Canada and I believe any fruitfulness is due to His leading and prompting.  It is so wonderful to follow Him and surrender to His leading as the day unfolds!!

 Yesterday I put on my Facebook status:  
"I am so looking forward to what this day holds!"
   Was there anything extra special planned?  No not really.   We go to the Made in Roatan shop on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I enjoy those days. The joy wasn't due to a circumstance or an event but it was linked to the excitement of following His lead and walking close to Him.  I was just excited knowing that the possibilities were endless.

It was a cloudy and rainy day and although there were two ships in port there really wasn't very many tourists on the street.   I enjoyed talking with our local friends. Many people stop as they are walking by to chat.  It is wonderful to be in the center of Coxen Hole and have a place the locals can come in and visit.  I often find out about their families and pray with them.  It is one of the highlights for me.  

I also was busy putting out all the new stock that was made on the weekend.  As I was setting up I saw a 'Michael's' bag on the counter.. hmmmm... I looked inside to see  everything that Joan and the girls need to make their crocheted bracelets!!  The wire, the clasps, the beautiful gem chips!!  It was a mystery to me and yet we are seeing more and more people who give to this ministry so my heart just leapt for JOY at the kindness of whoever gave this to us!  I can't wait to give it to Joan as she is really low on supplies!   I can't wait to find out who gave it too so I can give them a big hug!!

I am so proud of our artists!   Pedro, one of our youngest artists spent the day at the shop working and talking and laughing together with me.  I know his mother is worried about getting her 4 boys into school which starts in a couple of weeks, and we, by faith, gave her money to get the boys uniforms.  Later I said to Bob, don't you think we should have found someone who is willing to support them?  He laughed and said, "Oh Debi the Lord will provide!" (he's right, of course!)  If you want to help with getting kids into school we would appreciate any help. It is so challenging for them to get enough money together for food, and the added pressure of registration, uniforms and school supplies is very overwhelming for many of them.

So in the midst of a rather slow day at the shop this big island guy walked in with a HUGE box and said
'Where you want this?'   Behind him was a couple we had met last year in the shop smiling hugely!   I remembered them immediately and she said, "We brought some things for you!  We haven't stopped praying for you, thinking about you and talking about this shop since we last met!!"   Their church in Florida decided to 'help Roatan' and not only did they bring us 3 HUGE boxes of clothing and shoes for the locals, they had 11 other big boxes to give to the orphanage, churches and a school!  They also included more supplies for the artists, and also also had a wad of money from the church to spend in the Made in Roatan shop to bless the artists!

We serve a GENEROUS GOD!!!

OH MY!!!!!!   She bought a lot of stuff!!  Praise God for Sandy and Bill and the folks at the Community Church on Sanibel Island in Florida!!  It is interesting to note that Bob and I went to that church many times during our stays in Florida and know people there!!  Isn't that incredible!!   We had such a wonderful time of fellowship in that little shop.   Pedro and Clarke were there to witness this 'God moment' and I know it really impacted them to see God's love in action.

I want to tell you honestly that the deepest and greatest joy about this was knowing they prayed for us. She said they have prayed for us daily!!!  WOW!   Things have really begun to multiply in our ministry and I believe it is because of prayer!  Prayer moves the heart of God and it also moves US into action.   We have seen sooo many people who have 'come on board' with this ministry lately and we thank God for each of you who have supported it and given to the people of Roatan!  It is making a huge difference!

After a good long visit together and her buying out half the shop we all stood in a circle (with Pedro and Clarke as well) and poured out our hearts in gratitude to the Lord for His many blessings and the joy of following Him and serving Him.  It was so powerful and beautiful!

I was dizzy with joy after they left!   Pedro and I looked through all the supplies and material they left and it was like Christmas morning!   Thank you thank you thank you... this goes to all of you who have given, who have prayed, who have visited the shop, who have supported locally here and who have believed God with us for great things for this island.

To end a great day I went to our Ladies Bible study where I am leading a study called "The Man who was different"  with a group of beautiful island ladies. We had such a marvelous time together in His Word and in prayer.  I love being with these women sooo much!!   I thank God that He has put me in the center of loving and serving the people of Roatan!


  We are blessed.  You can watch a video that I took on Christmas Day 2011
 "I am blessed, I am blessed,
 every day of my life I am blessed, 
when I wake up in the morning til I lay my heart to rest I am blessed, I am blessed!"

I woke up anticipating good things and He, once again, came through!!!
From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same the Lord's name is to be praised!